+2 Handicap and Mental Golf Coach Reveals the
Becoming a More Consistent Golfer
(without changing your swing)
Learn the "Simple Scoring System" to improve your game from tee to green so you can lower
your handicap and play more CONSISTENT than ever.
If you're someone who loves golf but wants to play more CONSISTENTLY and shoot lower scores without spending hours on the range, then you're in the right place.
If you’re like most golfers, chances are you’re making golf 10X harder on yourself - without realizing it.
But if you’re here, I’m guessing you love the game and want to:
- Lower your handicap
- Play more consistent golf
- Break 90, 80, or become a scratch golferÂ
- Have more fun and enjoyment every time you tee it up
- Master your mental game so you can avoid frustration and stay focused during the round
- AVOID costly blowup holes… you know, those 3-5 terrible holes that leave you angry and question why you play the game.
Unfortunately, most golfers think the only way to reach these goals is to spend hours on the driving range learning to:
- Shallow the club.
- Create an out to in path.
- Learn how to use ground force for more power.
- Spend countless hours in the gym to hit it longer.
- Hire another coach or watch more YouTube videos trying to craft the perfect swing.
Which leads to more frustration and less results...Â

And every other tip you see touted online.Â
Most golfers think they have to be “perfect” to score low.
But this is a LIE.Â
I’m here to tell you that perfect golf doesn’t exist (nor does a perfect swing - sorry coaches).
Don’t get me wrong, of course your swing plays a role in golf.Â
But it’s not everything… far from it.
Here's why...
No matter how good you get at golf - even Tiger Woods - is always working on swing changes.
If developing a perfect swing meant you’d win every time you teed it up, Rory McIlroy would be undefeated.
But as you know, this is NOT the case.Â
Yet, driving ranges around the world are filled with golfers trying to ingrain the perfect swing.
Constantly tinkering with the latest and greatest training aids.
Or watching hours of swing videos on “YouTube University.”
Hoping they’re just one video away from finally learning how to shoot lower scores.
Which leads to frustration on the course as you're always thinking of mechanical swing thoughts.
And likely a big reason for those frustrating blow up holes.Â
 Here's the TRUTH...and I know it will trigger a lot of golfers.Â
Shooting lower scores and playing more consistently (so you can have more fun) DOES NOT happen from spending more time on the range.
Otherwise, you wouldn't be here reading this and looking for a way to lower your handicap and play more consistently.Â
Shooting lower scores and having fewer "roller coaster round" comes down to a SIMPLE scoring system, so you can:
- Stay out of stress.
- Master your mental game.
- Have energy all round.
- Not to mention - have more fun.
And ultimately, get in “The ZONE” a lot more often.Â
Don’t get me wrong, your golf swing is important, but it's not everything.Â
Think about it, you see guys with very unorthodox swings and win millions in professional golf.
The same with amateurs... chances are you know someone who doesn't have a "textbook" swing and still breaks 80 regularly.
What's their secret?Â
They know how to SCORE.Â

Scoring is the true key to getting the most out of your game.Â
It's learning to THINK your way around the golf course and manage your emotions so you avoid blowup holes!Â
Shooting lower scores is NOT about taking more swing thoughts with you to the golf course.Â
Here is a perfect example.Â
Listen to what pros say after a victory on the PGA Tour... they NEVER talk about swing technique.
Instead, they say things like:
- "Played to my strengths."
- "Stayed patient out there."
- "Stuck to my game plan."Â
- "Missed in the right spots."
- "Took it one shot at a time and didn't get ahead of myself."
They are NOT saying in their post round pressers:Â
- “I made sure my wrists hinged properly.”
- "I tried to take the club back more outside so I could shallow and swing in to out."Â
- "I thought about clearing my hips, so I could get through the ball better."
They’re focused on SCORING, not their swing.
Which is the OPPOSITE of most everyday golfers.
Most golfers are constantly playing their golf swing vs. playing golf.
Which is why you are NOT scoring to your potential.
Lowering your handicap comes to THINKING your way around the golf course.
Raymond Floyd described this perfectly in his book, the Elements of Scoring,Â

It’s hard to disagree with Raymond Floyd - a 21-time PGA Tour champion (who nearly completed the Grand Slam of golf, winning three of four major championships).
Let’s break down this powerful quote because it’s the reason you (and most golfers) are NOT shooting the scores you know you can.
Swing mechanics… it’s all anyone talks about.Â
At the driving range, on YouTube and on social media, everyone is pedaling swing tips... claiming it's the secret to lower scores.
Driving the ball farther… important for sure, but not the end all be all.
In fact, there’s nothing worse than gaining distance only to shoot the same scores.Â
Sports psychology… Another important part of golf, but if your skills and course management skills aren’t there, a great mental attitude won’t lead to lower scores either.
Finally, equipment is important but once again, not the key to scoring low either.
Playing the game of golf is seemingly a lost art these days.Â
Let me explain…

Scoring Lower and More Consistently Comes From Thinking More Effectively...
You need to learn how to manage your game and swing YOUR swing.Â
Mastering your mental game and course management skills is key to getting out of your own way and putting up a good score - regardless of your ball striking.Â
So - why do so many golfers get angry and have too many blowup holes?
One reason is the WRONG expectations.Â
Frustration often stems from thinking you should perform better and not hitting your ideal scores.Â
But if you’re like most golfers, you think that PGA Tour (or LIV golfers) are much better than they are.
Don’t get me wrong, they’re the best of the best, but they are far from perfect.
Just look at these average statistics from the 2022 PGA Tour season:
- 59.76% of fairways hit in regulation.
- 65.67% of greens in regulation.
- 58.30% scrambling.
- 29.06 putts/round.
These are the BEST players in the world.
And they don’t hit 100% of fairways or greens.
They don’t get it up and down every time they miss the green.Â
And they don’t make every putt - despite what you might see on the PGA Tour coverage.
While I love watching golf on TV, it’s important to remember it’s the highlight reel of the best players.
 You are NOT seeing the average pro who hits about 50% of fairways, 65% of greens, and only gets up and down about half the time.
Instead, we always see the 350+ yard drives, pin seeking irons, amazing chip shots, and putts dropping from everywhere.Â
NEWSFLASH: this is setting you up for failure on the golf course.
Because as you can imagine, amateur golf stats are much worse - because we have jobs, families, and other responsibilities.
But the great news is that you can still play consistently and shoot lower than ever by being a great course manager.
It starts by having the RIGHT expectations, paired with a strong mental game (to help deal with inevitable bad shots) and a great strategy to score well even on your off days.
Every golfer has 2-5 (sometimes up to 10) shots they can improve WITHOUT swing changes.
Learning to score well is the key to tapping into your TRUE potential.
Introducing, Wicked Smart Golf Academy.
“Your pre-shot routine is your wingman
on the golf course."
Dr. Bob Rotella,
Sports Psychologist and Author of 7+ Golf Books including Golf is Not a Game of Perfect & Putting Out of Your Mind

The EASIEST Way to Become a More Consistent Golfer Without Swing Changes
Wicked Smart Golf Academy is the easiest way to start shooting lower scores more consistently - but the best news? It has nothing to do with making mechanical swing changes.
These video lessons are easy to follow and can be watched at your own pace.
You'll learn the five pillar approach inside the Simple Scoring System.Â
Here is a quick overview:Â
- Mental Game 101:Â Learn how to master your mental game for fewer blow up holes, more fun, and lower scores.
-Â Practice & Equipment:Â Discover how your practice routines and equipment are making things even harder to score on the golf course.Â
- Stop 3-putting: Learn why most golfers have 35–40 putts per round and how to easily fix it fast (without hiring a coach).
-Short game: Discover how to create short game routines so you save shots around the green.Â
- Course management: Learn to analyze each hole, make strategic decisions, avoid penalty shots, and play to your strengths.
Whether you're shooting in the 80s or 90s, this system can help you play better FAST.
But what is it?Â
It’s a 5-pillar video training program that uses The Simple Scoring System that any golfer can apply to playing your best ever.
Each pillar builds on the next to help you score better from tee to green - regardless of how you’re swinging that day.Â
You will learn the shots, strategies, and mindset of a CONSISTENT GOLFER so you can finally play to your potential, score better on your off days, AVOID BLOW UP HOLES, and stop collapsing after bad shots.Â
This program is suitable for golfers of all levels, whether you're a beginner or an experienced player.
With Wicked Smart Golf Academy, you'll learn how to play smarter, not harder.
Even before you show up to the course, there are so many mistakes that most golfers make (wrong equipment, mindset, lacking a warm-up, etc.).
Then, during the round, golfers waste SO many shots from poor decision-making.Â
Not to mention a ton of different mental game mistakes that make consistent scoring nearly impossible.Â
My goal is to help you become a scorer - not a better ball striker.Â
Don't forget, your swing is a work in progress and will be for the rest of your life.
But regardless of your swing or talent levels, there are TONS of ways to IMPROVE YOUR HANDICAP AND PLAY MORE CONSISTENTLY every single round.Â
I’m confident that when you enroll and use these principles, your score and handicap will drop in 90 days but probably much sooner.
Plus, you’ll learn the secrets of the pros on how to score consistently, even if your swing feels terrible.
Reaching your golf potential doesn't mean you need new equipment or expensive golf lessons.Â
See what's waiting for you inside  Wicked Smart Golf Academy once you become a member...Â
Wicked Smart Golf Academy is a 5-module golf course management + mental game program that will help you play CONSISTENT golf and lower your handicap. Â
When you learn how to automate your thinking to shoot lower scores every time you tee it up - even if your swing is off. It makes it easy to stay focused after a bad shot, avoid those 3-5 terrible holes, and score better on your off days.
This proven system will help you master all aspects of the game including practice, pre-round, during the round, and post-round strategies.Â
From choosing the right equipment, how to warm up to get your mind and body ready, tee box + approach shot strategies, short game tips, and mental game strategies for lower scores every round.
 Here’s how…
Module 1: Master the Mental Game

Learn how to master the mental game so you can avoid blowup holes and have more fun
To hit your golf goals - whether that’s breaking 90, 80, becoming a scratch golfer, or qualifying for tournaments - you need the right mindset. If you’re like most golfers, you have enough skill and are pretty consistent in practice… but something changes when you go the golf course.Â
Which probably leads to asking yourself, “Why can’t I take my range game to the golf course?”
It’s a good question and something that every golfer has struggled with before. But if you are a good ball striker on the range and it doesn't transfer to the course, this is a mental game issue that you can fix.
And it's much easier to than you realize.Â
Inside module 1 you will learn:Â
- Why your mental game leads to inconsistency.
- How to eliminate mental fatigue & rollercoaster rounds. Â
- The two types of “focus” to maintain concentration on every shot. Â
- The REAL REASON why your handicap isn’t dropping (and how to change it).Â
- Why expectation management is the key to HAVING MORE FUN (and lowering your handicap).
- The secret to getting in "The Zone" more often so you can hit flush shots, have more ball striking consistency, and avoid blow up holes.
Module 2: How The Pros Actually Practice

Discover how to practice efficiently even if you don't have much time
Great golf happens before you put the peg in the first tee box. In this module, we’ll make sure your equipment and practice routines are setting you up for success.Â
Otherwise, you’re just making a hard sport even more difficult. Plus, you will learn how to warm up (even if you only have 15 minutes) so you start the round loose and ready to go. This will help you attack the golf course from the first hole and not wait until the back 9 to get comfortable.Â
Inside module 2 you will discover:
- Avoid overwhelm in practice.
- 3Â different pre-round warm up routines for more consistency.
- How to practice correctly, so your range game carries over to the course.
- The #1 golf app to help you hit it flush & add 10+ yards of distance with ease.
- How to AVOID the biggest practice mistakes so you don't waste time and money.
- The EASIEST way to gain 5–15 yards in 8–12 weeks without spending hours and hours in the gym.Â
- How to create a distance chart so you have more confidence standing over every approach shot.Â
Module 3: How to STOP 3-Putting & Find Peace on the GreensÂ

Learn how to easily gain confidence on the greens for lower scores
There is an art to approach shots that few golfers realize. But when you learn how to attack approach shots with these proven strategies, you'll have more looks at birdie than you could imagine.
Inside module 3 you will discover:
- The #1 rule with putts inside 12-feet.
- Proven mental game tips to STOP 3-putting.
- The biggest mistake most players make with their putter.
- How to easily record your stroke and fix your putting issues without hiring a coach.
- How to develop a professional putting routine for insane confidence on every putt.
- Five simple strategies to read greens like a pro so you have more confidence standing over every putt.
Module 4: The Secrets of a Solid Short Game

Uncover how to save more shots around the greens fast
Are you tired of wasting shots around the greens? There’s nothing worse than hitting a few good shots, only to walk away with bogey or double bogey (or worse) from a poor short game.Â
The good news is that upgrading your short game is so much easier than your long game. Not to mention, your short game rarely disappears like your long game and can be there to save you during “off days.”
Inside module 4, you will learn:
- How to overcome chipping yips.
- An easy short game rule that will save shots and avoid blowup holes.
- The secret hack to take your chipping/pitching from practice to the course.Â
- The truth about tempo for every shot inside 60 yards, so you always hit it flush.Â
- The biggest wedge mistake most golfers make, that making thin and fat shots inevitable.
Module 5: How to Play Wicked Smart Golf

Learn how to eliminate penalty shots that lead to blowup holes
Here's the truth - you DO NOT need great ball striking to score well.Â
Instead, you need to play your game so you can avoid stupid mistakes that lead to double bogeys and rollercoaster rounds. Â
Inside module 5, you will learn:
- A simple tee shot strategy to never miss a fairway. '
- The correct way to pick targets and avoid penalty shots.Â
- The ONE easy question that will help eliminate blowup holes.
- Why hitting 3-wood to “find more fairways” is a TERRIBLE strategy.
- The secret hack that PGA Tour players use for tons of tee box confidence. Â
- Why hero golf leads to blowup holes, rollercoaster rounds, and what to do instead for more CONSISTENCY.
What Golfers are Saying About Wicked Smart Golf...

“The past is history, the future is a mysterey, being alive in this moment is a gift. That's why they call it the present.”
Dr. Joseph Parent
Author of Zen Golf and Zen Putting

BONUS #1:Â Pre-Shot Like a ProÂ
($197 Value)
A consistent set of rituals before the shot can lead to lower scores immediately (my guess is 3–5 strokes for most golfers). The problem is that most golfers don’t have a pre-shot routine, or it varies so much, it’s hardly considered a routine.
Inside this epic bonus, you will learn:
- The 8-second secret to hit it flush more often.Â
- How to time your pre-shot routine perfectly to avoid mental demons.
- The biggest mistakes that kill your confidence before you step into the shot.
- How a short game routine can help you make 50% more putts from inside 8-feet.  Â
- The best way to practice your pre-shot routine so you can have more consistent days on the golf course.Â

BONUS #2:Â Ultimate Golf Offseason Secrets
($97 Value)
Don't let the offseason ruin your game. With the right prep work you can upgrade your full swing, short game, and mental game.Â
Inside this BONUS program, you will discover:
- A simple app to gain 10+ yards in the offseason.
- How to practice at indoors and make real change.Â
- The best workouts to help you avoid injuries on the course.
- The easiest way to set goals and the secret ingredient to achieve them.

BONUS #3: Mental Golf Group CoachingÂ
($147 Value)
Golf is more of mental than any other sport and your mind can make the difference between good vs. great rounds.
Inside this BONUS, you get to join Michael and other members of the academy on a LIVE coaching call.
We'll cover various mental game topics like:Â
- How to reframe first tee jitters for a strong start.Â
- Two simple hacks to stay present and focused every round.
And other issues you're facing as it's a Q&A style format.Â

BONUS #4: Tournament Golf Formula
($297 Value)
Tournament golf is NOT like a normal round of golf with your buddies. When you have to play by the rules of golf, putt everything out, and play with strangers, it’s like a different game.
Some golfers crumble, others thrive under pressure. After competing in 200+ days of tournament golf (including US Open qualifiers, Q-School and state championships) my goal is to simplify this process to play better under pressure.Â
Inside this epic bonus training you will learn:
- How to get started in tournaments.
- Why you need a game plan to succeed.
- The mindset for tournament (or high pressure) golf.
- How to play practice rounds so you show up prepared.Â
That's $1,282 of value inside Wicked Smart Golf Academy and the four epic bonuses!
But you can start training your swing for a much lower investment in your golf game...

90-Day Money-Back Guarantee
I'm that confident that Wicked Smart Golf Academy has everything you need to start playing better golf
and shooting lower scores... FAST.Â
Remember, this investment is the same price as a swing lesson that can stick with you for the rest of your golf career. Let me take the risk for 90 days so you can focus on applying these strategies to your game. If you aren't fully satisfied within the first 90 days of enrollment (and watched at least 90% of the content), shoot me an email, [email protected] for your money back.
**Please note, if you enroll in the VIP option there are no refunds as it includes coaching calls with Michael.Â

Let's Recap...
When you join Wicked Smart Golf Academy, you get instant access to the 5-core training modules. These are bite-sized video training sessions (5-20 minutes) to help you learn to master your mental game, practice like a pro, improve your short game and play wicked smart golf (from tee to green).
These trainings (more than five hours worth) WILL help you become a more CONFIDENTÂ and CONSISTENTÂ golfer without changing your swing. The sooner you can upgrade your mindset, the sooner you lower your handicap.Â
Plus, you get four EPIC bonuses:Â Â
- Pre-Shot Like a Pro ($197 value): Learn the SECRET of all pros and elite amateur golfers to stand over every shot with confidence. This stand-alone training will teach you the benefits of creating a solid routine and how to develop one for your full swing, short game, and putting. This mental game training alone can help you drop 3–5 shots or more every round.
- Ultimate Golf Offseason ($147 value): Learn how to upgrade your game (both mental and physical) in the offseason to show up fresh for the new season.
- Group Coaching Call ($147 value): Every new member will get to join in a group call with Michael to ask Q&A on the mental game (May 7th at 4pm PST) - recording will be available inside the Academy if you can't make it live.Â
- Tournament Golf Formula ($247 value): Playing in a tournament (whether it’s a member-member, club championship, or state event) is NOTHING like a normal round of golf. In this training, I’ll share my best secrets from more than 300 tournament days (since 2017) to master your nerves and play your best under pressure. Â
That makes Wicked Smart Golf Academy and bonuses worth more than $1,000... and you can join for ONLY $147 today or $397 with three 1:1 coaching calls ✅
What type of golfer is this for?Â
This mental golf + course management program is NOT for all golfers. If you fit these criteria, then you’re likely a great future member:Â
- Action taker
- Has a passion for golfÂ
- Isn’t afraid of trying out new strategiesÂ
- Wants to play better golf and have more fun
- Willing to learn new skills and test out new ideas
Then I’m confident you can use this program to start shooting lower scores FAST.Â
What type of golfer shouldn’t enroll?Â
If you don’t want to learn new principles and keep doing the same oldÂ
- Fears change
- Thinks the mental game is BS
- Doesn’t want to learn new ideas
- Refuses to believe proven data about golf scoring strategies
If any of the above sound like you, then you are NOT a good fit for Wicked Smart Golf Academy.Â
At this point, you have a choice.Â
You can keep playing and practicing like you have been but keep expecting different results.Â
This is the definition of insanity by doing the same thing over and over again and the “hard” path… the one where you practice all the time on the range, constantly working on mechanics. The path where you hope to get better and keep reading endless golf content or watching more videos on YouTube University looking for the solution.
You can choose to invest in yourself with Wicked Smart Golf Academy - which is a blueprint to shooting lower scores more consistently and learning how to "play your game."Â
You can speed up the learning curve of golf from a +2 handicap golfer who’s competed in 300+ days of tournament golf, including Q-School and a certified mental golf coach. This is the exact system I've used to become a top-rated amateur golfer in Arizona.Â
But whatever you choose, choose quickly because your golf game depends on it (and prices are going to increase soon.

“A pre-shot routine helps you build a cocoon around yourself. This is the mysterious zone that athletes refer to longingly. But there's nothing mysterious about it.”
Helen Alfredsson,
Author of A Good Swing is Hard to Find
Have Questions About Wicked Smart Golf Academy?Â
Below is a list of the most commonly asked questions about Wicked Smart Golf Academy. If you don't see your question below, please email [email protected] and ask away.
Is Wicked Smart Golf a mental game program?
What type of golfer is this best suited for?
Why can't I just watch free YouTube videos to learn this?
Can I really improve from online coaching?
What if I don't play tournament golf?
How is the training delivered?
Does this program cover short game?
Does this program include swing videos/online coaching?
Is there a guarantee?
How much time do I need to spend practicing each week?
How fast will I see results?
"I never hit a shot, not even in practice, without first seeing it in my mind.”
Jack Nicklaus,
18-Time Major Champion
🏌️♂️Meet Your Mental Golf Player Coach đź’

Who is Michael Leonard?
Michael is a +2 handicap with 25+ years of golf experience. He played in high school and dropped 50 shots in a few years (124 as a freshmen, 74 as a senior) and played college golf in Southern California.
After falling back in love with the game in 2016 (thanks to a trip to Pebble Beach) he quit his corporate career in 2017 to pursue entrepreneurship and golf. Since then, he's become a top 25 ranked Arizona Amateur golfer and competed in hundreds of days of tournament golf. Including elite amateur events through the USGA, AZ Golf Association, and even went to Q-school in 2019 in Nebraska.Â
Michael Leonard has also been a golf writer since 2017 and written more than 2,000,000 words about the sport covering all topics from mental game, product reviews, golf course reviews, and more. In 2022, he used his writing and digital marketing experience to launch Wicked Smart Golf - a golf podcast/brand committed to helping the everyday golfer. He also released a book with the same name that provides 111 ways to play better golf and shoot lower scores without swing changes.Â
Michael is also a Level 1 Certified Mental Golf Coach using the Mental Golf Type System. His mission is simple - help you play better, have more fun on the golf course, and reach your true potential.

Golfers are LOVING Wicked Smart Golf advice...

“Golf from the fairway is a thinking man's game. It comes with experience but it mostly comes with awareness. The good news is that the average golfer's chances of developing good judgement are better than his chances of radically transforming his golf swing."
Raymond Floyd,
The Elements of Scoring