Episode #233: Lou Stagner - Use Strokes Gained Data to Play Wicked Smart

Lou Stagner aka the "Golf Stat Pro" is a performance coach, podcast host, and data analyst that can help you make better decisions on the course. He has more than 150,000 followers on Twitter and one of the best guys to follow to learn how stats can transform your game.

I've been following him for years and was excited about this interview because tracking your stats can make a huge impact in your game. Stat tracking is something I discussed in-depth in my book and something I suggest for all my mental golf coaching students.  

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The power of expectations.
  • Why every serious golfer needs to track stats.
  • How driving distance can lead to a lower handicap. 
  • How stats provide objective data about your weaknesses.
  • The logic behind aiming at the flag vs. middle of the green.
  • How to save shots on and around the green to lower your scoring average. 
  • Why strokes gained is the best metric to measure your game (and what to track if you don't have a stat tracking program). 

Lastly, sign up for Lou's FREE newsletter for incredible insights to learn more stats to create the right expectations and play better this year. 

Make sure to follow Lou Stagner on Twitter/X or on Instagram. Also, make sure to buy Arccos Golf to start tracking your game. 

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