Episode #66: Steal this Sports Psychology Tip to Make More Putts Instantly

Want to make more putts? 

Steal this sports psychology hack I learned after working with a sports psychologist before going to Q-School in 2019. One of the biggest things I wanted to discuss with him was putting, as I knew I had serious room to improve. I remember telling him, “Sometimes I kind of blank on the greens and forget what I’m doing. I lose focus and kind of space out.” 

His solution was to give my mind a clear breakdown of the putt. He told me from behind the ball, read the putt, analyze the green's slope, and then declare it to your mind. It worked wonders at Q-School and still something I do with every putt to this day. 

Now, after reading the putt, I give my mind a clear image of how the putt should break.  I will say to myself (in my head), Okay, I got ten feet, uphill, right to left. My aim is just outside the right part of the cup. 

This gives my mind a clear image of what the putt should do and helps clarify the goal. The more specific the description, the better. As Billy Casper said, “Try to think where you want to put the ball, not where you don’t want it to go.” To give yourself a clear picture of the putt, you need to use a few green-reading techniques that I’ll discuss in the next point. 

Remember if you struggle to visualize like myself, verbalize the putt to give your mind clarity on the read. Hopefully it leads to making more putts than ever! 

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